
to understand chinese language and culture

 5 months ago


 3 Years ago

I was studying in Confucius Institut in Santiago, Chile. All the teachers there are from Nanjing University, that' s my reason.

 4 Years ago

I was impressed by the prestige of studying in a C9 University. I found Nanjing to be one of the most prominent universities in China. I was deeply impressed by the beauty of the campus. I have heard a lot good feedback from the students who have gone to Nanjing University. The tuition fees and accommodation fees are very reasonable.

 4 Years ago

I have lived in China 4 years, of which last one and a half I lived in the city of Nanjing. I love the city and found out that the eduction quality provided by local universities rates as one of the highest in China. I would love to devote myself to studying Chinese in Nanjing University as I'm in love with this language and the city, and also I would like to learn more about China in general and more specifically about the history of Nanjing.

 4 Years ago

您好, 我叫陈星荧,是一名美国纽约州立大学石溪分校毕业的学生。 在家庭的熏陶下,我很幸运的有机会能够学说中国话,能够了解到博大精深的中国文化和源远流长的中国历史。从小时候起,我就沉迷于观看个各方各面的历史书,当我接触到了电视以后,考古方面的纪录片更是成了我的最爱。跟随家长来到美国以后,我接触到了全然不同的社会,这让我更加意识到了历史遗留物品对文化的重要意义和人类社会的重要影响。 对考古的热爱让我想要了解人类文化在不同地方的起源,在大学四年的学习过程中,我有幸学习了各式各样的考古相关的课程,随着对相关领域的了解愈发深入,让我想要保存这珍贵的历史文化的冲动也愈发浓烈。文化人类学和考古学课程多年来一直令我着迷,我在大学最后一学期也有幸和Wright教授一起对马达加斯加南部的动物骨骼化石进行了研究,我们研究了造成河马骨骼切痕的潜在原因,并从中寻找这种早期痕迹与人类文化进化的关系。 我本科一直专注于考古课程,四大文明古国,美索不达米亚文明,以及其他伟大的考古发现都曾是我的研究对象,但是在我大学四年的生活中,最重要的还要数对于中国历史文化学习的课程。我研究了从新石器时代到汉代的中国古代社会经济,政治和文化制度的发展,在学习课程期间,我参阅了许多考古数据和历史文本用以更深入的了解国家政体的诞生及帝国权威下中国的统一。我还对中国家庭,婚姻以及家族,宗族等亲属关系与社会,经济,文化等方面的关系进行了探索,我学习了性别,年代,社会阶层和传统仪式对个人身份,地位和权力的影响。其中对我影响最大的是秦汉史,所以在假期时,我回到了中国,特地去到了课上老师讲到过的地方进行参观。 在考古学领域学习的三年中,对我影响最大的要数大四时期和Wright教授一起进行的对南马达加斯加圣诞河流域亚化石切痕的研究项目。在这个项目中,我观察了不同动物的骨骼化石上所存在的切痕并且浏览了许多关于马达加斯加人文环境的书籍,根据环境因素也对这些切痕产生的原因作出了一定的假设并加以研究。然而,由于一些客观因素,比如原化石无法从马达加斯加空运到纽约,以及现场勘查的不便,这项研究无法继续。但是借此研究,我们更好地了解早期人类与这个沼泽地区的动物之间的联系,还对在此期间所使用的石器的类型有了一定的了解。 我不仅在学术任务中有积极的表现,同时我也有丰富的工作经验。我在长岛本地完成了不同领域的实习和志愿者项目。我的第一份实习是在石溪大学的采购部门做办公室助理,帮助办公室人员整理数据和材料,进行宣传册的分发。我还曾经在长岛最大的学术医疗中心--石溪大学医院的护士部门担任了超过两年的志愿者,在工作期间,我协助在职护士整理所需资料,清理设备,为病人提供情绪和物理支持。这些实习经历使我能够更加从文化和人文的角度观察人类的活动和发展对社会的影响,使我更加深刻的意识到研究历史人文的重要性。 作为一名曾经居住于中国的美籍华裔,我对中国的历史文化有着强烈的热爱,本科的考古学课程为我日后的研究提供了基础,而我相信贵校文博院能进一步实现我的梦想,让我拥有多样化的学习和研究经历,我愿意把我的毕生奉献给中国的考古与文物保护事业,这是我的梦想,也是我前进的力量。衷心希望您能优先考虑我的申请。非常感谢您。 此致 敬礼! 自荐人:陈星荧

 5 Years ago

As a student of Ca' Foscari University I would like to improve my Chinese language in China in order to become an interpreter or a translator in this language. I made a lot of research on Nanjing University. The info are clear and fits perfect with my interests. I also received great feedback about this University from my Italians friends who studied there, so I'm sure they offer high quality education. I've fallen in love with the city of Nanjing and I think I’ll have an excellent learning experience in this University and a wonderful life experience in Nanjing.

 5 Years ago

This University has a very good program for foreign students who want to study Chinese. Furthermore, I know some people who have studied there who have had a very good experience. I am really interested in improving my Chinese in this university.

 5 Years ago

I chose this university because of the amazing reviews I have heard about it. Nanjing University also lies in the captivating urban city of Nanjing, which makes the university even more appealing. The high level of education provided at this university is extremely attractive for new students such as myself. Nanjing University portrays an inclusive, friendly and international atmosphere, which assures me that it would be like a second home. Nanjing University also boasts a variety of English taught courses which illustrates to me that they take international education and seriously as a top university in China. Overall this university has an abundance of pull factors which make it an honour to have the chance to study at such an institution.

 5 Years ago

I'm looking for a great institute to sharpen my skills and to enhance my capabilities under the shadow of the Great Chinese Institution Nanjing University. I'm seeking my better future after learning Chinese.

 5 Years ago


 5 Years ago

Firstly, Nanjing University is a reknowned establishment in Jiangsu province, secondly the city of Nanjing is a hub full of opportunities and the historic background of the university makes this place the perfect place to study and feel surrounded by chinese culture and a typical atmosphere.

 5 Years ago

one of the ranked university

 5 Years ago

Last year, I studied Chinese at Beijing Language and Culture University and enjoyed my experience. My desire moving forward is to complete a Bachelor's Degree in Chinese Language and Literature at Nanjing University, but in order to do so, I must first reach the required proficiency in Chinese. I am confident that after completing the one year language program at Nanjing University, I will be ready to enter their Bachelor's Degree program.

 5 Years ago

intend to postgraduate in International Trade in china. I plan to study in china because it is a place from where great and high professionals level came from and my taught and believes land me here to this best place for study no regretting my choices, also on the personal side because I am fascinated by the Chinese culture, by its history, traditional cookery and clothing, also for its big constructions ,what it is amazing, and the faster development in economy also a place with great knowledge where graduated many great doctors, administrators, managers, professionals of different others areas, and I intend to be an excellent professional to accomplish my objectives, so China is the best chance, the best place to be one.

 6 Years ago

It is one of the best universities in china for geological engineering thats why i m choosing nanjing university

 6 Years ago

there are excellent education facilities and international exposure

 6 Years ago

I chose this university because I was told that it is a good school, among the best in China. Upon further research, I found out that the school offered great teaching and good facilities, not only for learning but also for living comfortably.

 6 Years ago

I read this university was one the first universities in china to wellcome international students.

 6 Years ago

Nanjing University offers an opportunity to study Chinese language with confidence to achieve the best level of success

 6 Years ago

I read a few opinions of people who has studied there and the geographical situation is very atracctive to me.

 6 Years ago

I would like to become a diplomat which requires Chinese language skills.

 6 Years ago

I would like to become a diplomat which requires Chinese language skills.

 6 Years ago

I would like to take the 2 year Chinese language class because I live in China and would like to learn the language as well as possible to be able to better interact with my students, peers and the Chinese people. However, most importantly I would like to learn Chinese to further my career. I would like to apply for the joint John Hopkins-Nanjing University International Studies program upon completion of the two year language course, and so I am interested in becoming acquainted with Nanjing University now to meet the professors and get to know the campus. Additionally, I would like to take the Foreign Service Officer Test to become a diplomat, and demonstrating proficiency in Chinese will raise my score on the test. In sum, I would like to take this class because I have a general interest in learning the language since I will be living in China for years to come, I would like to apply to become a student in Nanjing University in years to come, and because I would like to become a diplomat which requires Chinese language skills.

 6 Years ago

- History of this university , Logic tuition fee , suitable climate conditions , friendly and sociable people . - Recommendation of my father who knows Nanjing very well.

 6 Years ago

I just spent a year in Shanghai as part of my studies. I re-discovered the pleasure of learning a foreign language during this year. I have already studied Chinese during Highschool but lost most of it due to lack of practice in France. However while i was searching for a study program in China i realized that Shanghai wasn't the best place to learn Chinese as its expat community is too big. After some stays in Nanjing and talking about NanDa with some Chinese Friends i chose to apply to your university. I love the city and NanDa is one of China's top university, so i think it will be an excellent environment for my studies. I currently am in France to work and aim to pass HSK2 before i come to study in China in order to begin on a good basis. My objective is to have an HSK4 Level by the end of the study year. If not i am willing to spend a couple more semesters in Nanjing to reach that level or above. I hope you will consider my application. Thank you for your time. Simon Camus

 6 Years ago

i was studied chinese language before in Nanjing university in summer 2015 for one semester. And i had a good experience studied in this university. I taught by a good teacher, the way they taught chinese was good, i can understand chinese for beginner. They really help me to learn chinese in a easy way, and i felt excited to learn chinese language. And also i like the environment around nanjing university. That's why now i want to go back to study more about chinese language in this university.

 6 Years ago

I have chosen to pursue a master's program in China, Nanjing University because of its a home to many nation talking about its outstanding faculties and research facilities emphasis on a collaborative learning environment, flexibilities in curriculum, study aboard opportunity, global perspective to various key issues as well as environment flexible to all nations irrespective of religion. I am eager to challenge myself in such a setting and learn from renounce professors such as Yabin Du, Hui Lin, and many more. I have the passion of being a multilingual which i will take this opportunity to learn your international language, culture and experience some of the beautiful traditions. I also hope to be part of dynamic culture that will give me a leading edge to work effectively and efficiently in diverse teams and situation.

 7 Years ago

Everybody has a very specific moment in life when they have that realization that changes one’s entire perspective of life. But the epiphany that something is different, can only be understood when we are cognizant of the norm. This is because the country I was born and raised follows a very specific way of living, rooted in tradition and, still, very authoritarian today. A society where the fundamental attribution errors are minimized due to its tendency to respect others: a basic principle that can be traced back to the fundamental idea of Confucius. I remember during primary school’s TPA meetings – though I had no knowledge at the time – people’s treatment toward my parent was different: my friend’s parents were overly kind and polite to them. It was at a later stage in my life I realized what was happening, and it all came to be very sudden and I had to through a prolonged period of time in order to assimilate such information. It wasn’t easy at first, when I realized that my parents were considerably older than other parents, I started to think about the inevitable; it is a common understanding that anything that begins early finishes early. My parents have always supported me in any of the decisions that I made: mentally and economically, I don’t remember having any difficulty in achieving the desired goals. I sometimes think, maybe too much, but never did I take it for granted. I remember reading from my biology textbook something about the personality, and it could be reflected on birth order. I remember that an only child would have certain traits I could identify with. This abrupt change of awareness came with a change of behavior. The life of a high schooler was not that different. The same life on a loop where the only escape from the daily life is the little social life we are able to nourish during the early afternoon time. Make my way to the dorm after classes. opened the door and my roommate not having arrived yet. The room was always the we had left it in the morning. A routine that struck me as very uncomfortably familiar – I remember seeing these untouched and unaltered rooms from day to afternoon while I doing my volunteer service at the Raphayel Facility for the Disabled Children in Korea. While I was helping the physically disabled people from morning to late afternoon, I would notice they would leave their rooms in the morning and come back to the room that had not been altered. I wasn’t pity I remember feeling but was grateful that when I am back home during the holidays, I would come back to a house that would sometimes smell like dinner or just a feel of human presence – I am truly thankful to my parents, but at the same time it was one of the toughest lessons I had learned. How hard it is to even to go about an everyday routine is something does not go right. I cannot claim that at the time I was fully aware of the world around me but as a young teenager I stated to make up my mind about where to aim my attention and academic endeavors. The fact that I had to be able to survive society by myself was both haunting and my biggest motivation. During my high school years, I realized that social life was important, but as I saw my academic endeavors deteriorating, I decided to take action – maybe too late. I never gave up on the idea that I could make the change and that I would be able to produce and achieve. Over turning grades and was purely motivated by not only the intrinsic satisfaction, but also the inner fear that I might one day be left alone in the world. My parents were surprised and proud I mentioned this ongoing fear I had. I had never told them the reason behind such fear, a fear that has shaped my thoughts and my core motivation to pursue a career in medicine. I realized about the inevitable, and help me see the world in a completely different perspective. I knew then that my parents would not be able to stay with me forever – maybe shorter than other student’s parents. I also knew that there will be a point when I would have to stand society by myself. I am sure that my parents will aid me in my achieving such goals, but there are certain thing I have to face on my own. This fear that still persists today has no scapegoat to blame. Just as communities follow the norms of the societies they belong, we follow the natural path of life.

 7 Years ago

i choose this university couse it organise the studies i like and the it's the one can help me to acheive my master and pass to PhD degree

 7 Years ago

I have long been fascinated with China, its culture and language. In December 2012, I visited Beijing Normal University for 3 weeks as part of the 'Study China' programme. The experience was unforgettable and truly opened my eyes to all experiences of China. Along with daily rigorous Mandarin lessons, we received a comprehensive course throughout the programme entitled 'China's Economic Development and Current Issues' which focused specifically on China's unique economic and financial structure. In groups, we worked on an independent research project concentrating on inequality which was presented to everyone at the end of the programme. While this was already fairly engaging, a lot of learning came from outside the classroom too where we explored China's marketplace, bargaining, transport systems, and every day learned something new about the Chinese way of life. The introduction to Mandarin inspired me to take up the language seriously, where I passed HSK level 2 in 2013. I'm still regularly engaged in the language and hope to take the HSK level 3 sometime in the near future when I can. With that very memorable experience, I would very much love to continue my learning of Mandarin and China in general. I believe that Nanjing University will offer me all of that and so much more. Not only does the University have a superb academic reputation, it is so extremely cultured and full of history. I would look forward to learning in such an historic and rooted university, among some of the great academics of China. Whilst I greatly enjoyed exploring Beijing in 2012, visiting Nanjing would be an entirely brand new experience; learning from outside the classroom in such a beautiful city would be incredibly humbling. Getting involved additionally in calligraphy, poetry and philosophy would be a joy. This programme would allow me to continue knowing more about China and about myself. Spending time in Nanjing would enrich my understanding of its beautiful history and culture. Additionally, I would like to direct my career towards more involvement with China and the use of Mandarin and studying here would be invaluable for that. I believe that each person is the sum of their experiences and learning at Nanjing is something that I'd never regret doing. As such, I would be incredibly humbled to study a language that has so energetically gripped me, in a country that has so easily captivated me from the outset.

 7 Years ago

it's good for me and hight level of study

 7 Years ago

自从到中国以来,我有一个梦想,就是学习中国文化而不断地提高汉语水平。 在我小的时候还有另一个梦想, 那就是学习电脑和电脑有关的科技。我也从小学了好多跟电脑硬件与软件有关系的知识,上大学期间做了关于电脑软件与网络的兼职工作。我想要申请在你们的大学读书就是因为可以给我一个机会一边学习电脑的知识一边继续提高我中国文化的知识和汉语的水平。

 7 Years ago

This is one of the best medical universities in China and I believe it would give me the best opportunity to be a successful physician in the future.

 7 Years ago

Personal statement I am employee of the ministry of Information, Cultural, Tourism and Sports in Zanzibar Tanzania and in the position of Planning Officer. I have worked to the Government of Zanzibar for seven years which gives a confidence of promotes development of my country. In my life whatever I do or think is Administration because since I was a young I hide dream to be a leader something which more interested to me. After study Public Administration in my first Degree and get knowledge of various theories which applicable and dependable in all around the word I face many problem in the party of Administration and struggling to find solution this has motivated me to my study in specialization of Human Resource I decided to choose this university because of the following reasons Time consuming : This is the first reason that lead me to choose this university instead other because other university undertake up to 3yeas this course while in my home county I leave the family that depend me Low tuition fee: I didn't want my fellowship to be coasted more in making sure that I archived my target. Improve my knowledge and skill in more efficient and effectiveness , tis also attracted me to choose this university, because it provide the education that will help my organization to understand overall working of the organization and to be able to perform specific tasks with a high level of performance once the people have been employ in the company they have to be enabled to do work planned . To know the different technique which can be used to solve managerial problem and transfer to my home country so as to draw up the scientific decision making. Increase more productivity and job satisfaction in my home country for using scare resources physical and human resource not only that but also motivation of staff, good working environment ,training of worker and other. Establish or improve relationship between candidate to the country, country to the country, and citizens to citizens, Through the combination and even ways of attending to the country for example passports. Full scholarship program also motivated me to choose this university , because in my home country there are not full scholarship , the candidate or student is paying only tuition fee. Finally, for these plan I am sure the Jiangsu university fellowship program will give me this opportunity study the Human Resource management.

 7 Years ago


 7 Years ago

I was very interesting in their programs and willing to study at.

 8 Years ago

除了南京大学在中国算最好的大学之一以外,我还喜欢南京市因为很美丽,天气也不像北京那么污染。我跟我们教授商量商量,他们也建议贵学校。 中国是我的梦想,希望贵学校能实现我的梦想。

 8 Years ago

When I first came to China and explored the city the Xi'an, I knew I wanted to learn more about Chinese culture. Things are different in a way that is appealing (especially in contrast to what I was used to in the Southeastern United States). From my experiences teaching English at WEB International English Language School, I learned how highly the Chinese people regard education. Because I want to learn how to speak Mandarin and delve deeper into the meaning and history behind the superficial glance I had of Zhong Guo, I think I will excel in the graduate China Studies program offered by Nanjing University.

 8 Years ago