Industrial Design MDes Scholarship
Xi an Jiaotong-Liverpool University
Available Scholarships
XJTLU Scholarships for Master

Scholarship Information

  • Scholarship Coverage:part of tuition
  • Estimate Scholarship Amount (RMB): 0-93,334
  • Success Rate:80%
  • Deadline for payment: May 31, 2024
  • Deadline for document:May 31, 2024
  • Scholarship Service Fee:$500

You Need Pay After Got Scholarship (RMB)

Tuition: 60,000-93,3340-93,334

Accommodation: 48-78RMB per day

Living Expense: around 1,500 RMB/ month

Scholarship Detail

1. ALUMNI DISCOUNT: Graduate of XJTLU will receive a discount of 20% tuition fee.
2. MASTERS ENTRY SCHOLARSHIP: 30%-50% tuition off.
4. CHINESE GOVERNMENT TSP (Talent Selection Program) scholarship: waive full tuition fee for students applying for MSc. Sustainable Construction.


1. Academic requirement: UK upper second class honors known as 2:1 (60%-69%) or equivalent.
2. English language requirements: Depending on program, IELTS score required is either 6 or 6.5 or 7
*If you miss the English requirements by 0.5 to 1.0 of an IELTS band, or a similar number for other English language exams, you still can be admitted to the program after successful completion of a summer Pre-sessional English course.

Documents You Need to Provide

Personal statement

Full academic transcripts of university studies and grading system

University degree certificate or enrolment statement (if you are a graduating student)

Certificates of English language qualifications (IELTS,TOEFL or equivalent)

Two letters of academic reference

CV (optional, but recommended )

A copy of your passport (for international students only)

Program Information
  • Starting Date:Sep 01,2024
  • Degree:Master
  • Duration: 2 Years
  • Teaching Language: English
  • Tuition Fee: RMB 90,000 Per Year
Entry Requirements

1. Academic requirement: UK upper second class honors known as 2:1 (60%-69%) or equivalent.
2. English language requirements: Depending on program, IELTS score required is either 6 or 6.5 or 7
*If you miss the English requirements by 0.5 to 1.0 of an IELTS band, or a similar number for other English language exams, you still can be admitted to the program after successful completion of a summer Pre-sessional English course.

Program Highlights

  • Benefit from the Department of Industrial Design's strong links with international Design studios and manufacturing companies, giving you opportunities for internships and first design commissions.
  • Enjoy a broad creative programme with a wide range of design specialties and representations, depending on your interests and career ambitions
  • Take advantage of Design competitions, study visits to Europe and collaborative Design projects with industry
  • Earn a prestigious Masters Degree as a competitive step towards becoming a fully qualified designer in international studios.

Program Description


Growth in China will redefine patterns of consumption, production, and cultural appropriation domestically and globally for generations to come. As China-based companies shift to a designed-in-China strategy and international companies seek to design for the Chinese market, career opportunities for graduates of this programme will be numerous.

The MDes Industrial Design programme is for graduates or professionals with design or engineering backgrounds, who want to broaden and deepen their design and design research thinking. You will develop an appreciation for and practice transdisciplinary approaches towards design solutions, including products, interactions, systems, and services. Options are available for part-time study for working professionals.

Following this programme, you will develop individual specialism skills while maintaining a generalist, transdisciplinary outlook towards design. During the first semester of this programme, you will advance your competencies in design research methods, transdisciplinary design tools, innovation processes, and design visualisation and communication. In the following two semesters, you will be supervised by academic staff to develop and carry out your own design research project.

Graduates of this programme, as with all XJTLU masters degrees, earn a University of Liverpool degree that is recognised by the Chinese Ministry of Education.


Exchange/visit opportunities to UoL's Liverpool and London campuses.
Internships/collaborations through staff's good network with international institutions and companies.
Embracing diversity, which supports and facilitates a wide range of design specialties and representations.


You will be encouraged to take advantage of the transdisciplinary nature of this programme, with an emphasis on development and evaluation of new investigative methods and approaches. In addition to the academic modules, you can utilise the Additional Learning Activities (ALAs) to enhance relevant skills, e.g. design software, cultural appreciation, research, teaching, internship... etc. Your final projects can have an academic emphasis to prepare for doctoral study or be based on a more applied, industry-focused agenda.


Core modules
Framing Design Research
Methods for Transdisciplinary Design
Innovation by Design
Advanced Design Visualisation and Communication
Design Research Project

Additional learning activities
The completion of additional learning activities is required to complete your masters degree. Normally, required ALA hours will be distributed evenly across each semester, amounting to 200 hours per semester. Part-time programmes will normally require 100 to 150 hours per semester.


The MDes Industrial Design programme offers you a solid preparation for careers such as design practitioners and design managers, as well as for further studies on design-related PhD programmes.


RMB 90,000 for the entire 18 month full-time programme.
University tuition fees cover the cost of your study with us.

Alumni discount
If you are a graduate of XJTLU, the University of Liverpool or Xi’an Jiaotong University, you will automatically receive a discount of 20 percent of the tuition fee.

Payment options
Masters students have the option to pay tuition fees in instalments each semester. You can also choose to pay the fees upfront at the time of registration, in this case a discount of five percent of the total fees will be offered.
You will be asked to indicate how you would like to pay the fees when you confirm your acceptance of the unconditional offer.

