Special Rules for International Students Who Want to Study in China in 2023
Special Rules for International Students Who Want to Study in China in 2023
Mar 16,2023

To study in China, in addition to the general requirements of the university, different provinces or cities have their special requirements. For international students, it is very important to understand the special rules in China to apply. According to the news we have obtained so far, we have organized this article for reference. But it should be noted that due to the constantly changing policies, we can only share with you the current rules implemented in different cities and provinces in China.

1. Heilongjiang Province

Students of these nationalities may have a high risk of failure to apply for the JW202 form.

1. Afghanistan

2. Azerbaijan

3. Pakistan

4. Kazakhstan

5. Kyrgyzstan

6. Tajikistan

7. Uzbekistan

8. Turkey

9. Syria

10. Yemen

11. Iraq

12. Syria

13. Somalia

14. Tunisia

15. Lebanon

16. Algeria

17. Cameroon

18. Kenya

19. Chad

20. Bangladesh

21. Sri Lanka

22. Congo (Gold)

23. Ghana

24. Mali

25. South

26. Sudan

27. Nigeria

28. Iran

2. Hubei Province

If you are over 25 years old, you cannot apply for the 202 forms of undergraduate.

(1) Wuhan City

If the same student applies for two universities in the same semester, the relevant department of the Foreign Affairs Office will only issue one JW202 form to the student, and will not handle more than one.

3. Hangzhou City

Foreign students applying for non-degree courses in Hangzhou must not have studied degree courses in China, otherwise, they will not be accepted.

This article will save you unnecessary trouble in the application process. Of course, we will continue to update the special rules of other provinces and cities regarding studying in China for international students. You can follow our article to learn more about studying in China. At the same time, welcome to join Tribe and share your views on studying in China.