There are four distinctive seasons.
The temperature in Lianyungang can reach average highs of 30 °C. The vast majority of precipitation occurs between June and August, where it can measure up to 278mm of rainfall on average.
Autumn is cool and somewhat humid.
Winter precipitation is quite low, making snowfall both rare and short-lived.
Lianyungang Baitabu Airport provides schedule passenger service to major airports in China, including Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Nanjing, Xuzhou, Ningbo, Guilin, Dalian, Shenyang, Shenzhen.
One of the most popular tourist attractions in Lianyungang and the only AAAA-Class Beachfront in Jiangsu Province, Lian Island is a beautiful island connected to Lianyun District by a 6.7 km (4.2 mi) sea dyke, the longest in China. There are two main beach and swimming areas, several places to eat as well as hotels. Lian Island is also home to an annual music extravaganza featuring some of China's most famous pop stars.
Lianyungang is famous for its Huaguoshan Shuiliandong (花果山, 水帘洞) attraction. Shuiliandong literally means the "Water Curtain Hole," since, according to legend, the hole was hidden behind a waterfall, therefore resembling a "curtain of water." The hole is famous because according to legend it is the home of Sun Wukong also commonly known as the Monkey King from the epic novel Journey to the West. In this hole, underneath the mountain is where he and his monkey subjects lived. After learning The Way, the Monkey King travelled back to the hole behind the waterfall so that he and his subjects could eat and play for eternity. Eventually, the Jade Emperor sent several heavenly armies to battle him at this very spot because of his misdeeds. While the Monkey King story is a work of fiction, Xuanzang the monk who he accompanies on the journey of the novel, was based on a historical person.